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There are four reasons for the obesity epidemic:

1) High Fructose Corn Syrup.  They put it in everything, and it makes you fat.  Countries that give a fuck try to limit the amount of it they produce or import.  America goes "oh no you can't stop people from selling obesity causing cancerous poison, that would be un-American!  Let anybody sell any poison to anybody, and let them lie about it!  FREEDOM!"  Right now the Coca-Cola company is getting sued because they falsely advertise Vitamin Water as a healthy alternative to Coke, but it has the exact same amount of calories and high fructose corn syrup.  It's basically water-flavored Coke poison bullshit.  But they can get away with it, due to point #2.

2) People are lazy and willfully ignorant of what they put into their bodies.  If you try to tell them it's bad for them they say "get out of my way I'm addicted to genetically modified cancerous fructose-injected meat and bread and cheese and soda RAGHAHGAG!!!"  I have met people who eat meat with every single meal, and refuse to eat salads because... "salads are for girls and fags."

3) Bovine Growth Hormone.  Monsanto and other companies put this shit into cows to make them bigger and fatter so they can produce more milk.  Then they make more milk faster, so they can make more money, which is the American way.  However, then the milk has a fucking GROWTH HORMONE in it.  So when kids drink it they grow fatter and faster.  That's why we have girls getting huge and fat, having giant tits by the age of 10, and some menstruating at the age of 7 or 8.  They're not mature enough to understand any of this, but their PARENTS DON'T GIVE A FUCK.  People just go "that's weird, I didn't get my first period until I was 12 or 13, but all my kids get their first period at 8 or 9, and I have no idea why.  Huh, whatever, what's on TV?"

4) The film Krush Groove came out in 1985, featuring this music video: