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what evidence for evolution? Where are all the millions of transitionary fossiles? If we did indeed evolve from the primoridal slime what happened? Did the fish thing land on the land and realise it couldn't breath and somehow got washed back into the ocean? Then kept doing this over millions of years and then somehow developed lungs to breath air. Then, once it developed lungs did it then develop legs, organs to reproduce etc? Ask a mathematician the earth is not old enough for evolution to be correct. sorry that's a fact. Mathematicians have debated biologists and left them questioning... there simply isn't enough time from the creation/big bang date to today. Even at billions of years the earth is too young to have had life evolve. Want to look at the complexity of just a single cell happening by random chance which is what evolution needs - that would be like covering North America with dimes that reach to the moon - then placing one red dime among the trillioins of dimes covering the continent reaching up to the moon then asking a blind man to just pick one and him picking that red dime. thats the probabilty mathematicians have calculated for the simplest of elements for life... sorry evolution doesn't add up.