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1. What is proof?  Is there really any PROOF of anything?  You can show me a bunch of evidence, but it's my decision whether or not I want to accept it as evidence.  Based upon the SAME evidence, one person may see it as PROOF, whereas another would NOT.  What may be proof to me may not be proof to you.  I behold nature and see it as solid proof of God's existence, goodness and handiwork (Romans 1:20). 

2. Einstein saw this as well.  Perhaps you don't see nature as evidence of God.  But the paramount question still remains, where did all this come from? If it evolved from stardust, then why do we still live amongst single one-cell life forms (not politicians). 

3. Why do humans have such high intelligence, but animals do not.  Why do humans have a conscience, guilt and morals which animals do not have?  Where did the moral conscience separate from the species? 

4. The answers don't exist!  Humans are humans and animals are animals (1st Corinthians 15:39).  No wonder the Bible speaks of false science (1st Timothy 6:20).  Why false?  Simply because "science" means "to study."  There is NOTHING to study about evolution!  Evolution is NOT testable, repeatable or observable.  If evolution were true, there should be millions of proofs of it.  There is not even one!