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When I watched the Sports Champions video I stared at the screen and asked myself: Do they think I'm stupid? Do they really think the "expanded audience" is going to like this? Do they really think I am going to "upgrade" to a Playstation 3 because of a Wii Sports Resort clone without a soul? Just notice how they use the word "upgrade", like people who bought a Wii were silly and bought a second-class product! People outside the hardcore gaming world very well knew why they bought a Wii and not a Playstation 3, they were not dumb and fell for Nintendo's marketing campaign!

I didn't read the whole article, because I got stuck on that "without a soul" thing. What does that mean "without a soul"? And how can you tell? And why don't you, being so tolerant, give it another few months so as to not judge something that is in pre-alpha state?

Plus, why be that way about a clone of a type of game play? I mean, it's the natural thing to do with a motion controller, play tennis and hack with swords. But even if it weren't, what about all the games that fall into a category, that "copied" an initial game? All soulless apart from the first? Of course there will be games that will resemble Wii Sports. It's natural, no need to judge the "soul" level just because you're angry. 

And you're angry because they said "upgrade"? Well, better tracking (people in the business say so), wireless "secondary controller", ability to put player in a game virtual world via PS EYE, better physics. It has upgrade written all over it. Which is again a natural thing, products evolve, and the competition tries to win over people with better products. Is it better? We don't know. Is it more capable? In theory yes. Can they say upgrade? Maybe they shouldn't have since it makes people angry.

The target audience is not only the new markets that the Wii conquered, the so called "casuals". Maybe the fighting game was not aimed at casuals. Since there were fighting games long before Wii Sports Boxing, it sounds more like this would be a Fight Night clone with motion controls than a Wii Sports Boxing thing. Not that is matters.