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I am only going by my personal experience with people I know, but third party core gaming on the Wii is all but dead.  We got the Wii first(early 2007) among the Next Generation consoles.  An we did buy the first/third party core games that came out in 2006-2007 (like Twilight Princess, RE4 Wii Edition, Metroid Prime 3, and Super Mario Galaxy).  The problem was in early 2008, there were only two AAA core games available (Brawl and Galaxy), and post E3 2008, there was crap like Animal Crossing and Wii Music, which we tried and disliked.  In the meantime the HD Consoles were getting AA titles week after week, with no end of new announced titles for the future.  So we did what most reasonable people will do, we got a PS3 and an XBox360 (well most reasonable people would only get one of the two, but that's beside the point).  Since then 80% of our gaming time is spent on the HD systems, and of the 20% time spent on the Wii, the bulk is spent on Wii Fit and EA Sports active.  We regularly buy good HD games, but only rarely buy Wii games (got NSMB Wii, and Metroid Prime Trilogy, passed on Punch Out and don't need nor want MW Reflex, Conduit, MadWorld, or any of the on-rail shooters).  I don't see this changing next year.  We will likely pass on Red Steel 2, NMH2, and think about getting MH3 and Sin and Punishment only if the reviews are really good.  SMG2 will be a day one buy, and Metroid Other M probably as well.  Too many good games are coming out on PS3/XBox360 during next year, to spend time and money on the lesser Wii games.  If we are an indicative family, then it’s bad news for third party core games on the Wii.  They better make sure that they are well reviewed, exclusive to the platform and with high production values if we are expected to give them a look.