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Basic Assumption an Numbers:

Total Console Software $335.8 million
Halo3 = $225 Million

X = 4*W
X = 8*P
X = 3*(W+p)

Lets see if the basic assumptions make sense
X = 4*w -> W = x/4;
X = 8*p -> P = X/8:

Now wi set it here in:
X = 3*(X/4+X/8) = (6/8+3/8) x = (1 + 1/8)X

That suggest we have at most an error of 1/8 of the market

Lets caluculate the seperate revenues:

X-225 = 2*p -> x= 2*p+225
X = 8*p

that means (Playstation)
8P = 2p+225 ->6P=225 -> P=37.5 Million dollars

that means (Wii)
4W = 8P -> W=2P -> W = 75 Million dollars

that means (360)
X = 4W -> X = 300 Million Dollars

So koffiebons calculation are correct! Just thought I explain it, so everybody can follow it.