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a lot of this success has to do with the fact that PS2 is dying out(check the list of PS2 upcoming games), and theres no longer possible to deviate PS2 versions of games for the WII , not even for multiplats.
Developers are doing now the effort (they are forced) to do ground up games for the wii.The power of the console is finally being tapped into.Moreover,some took it as a personal crusade to show what the white box can do WITHIN its constrains.
I have a ps3 and it didnt spoil me, I still can see the achievement and games like The Conduit still manage to impress me for pushing so much on the console. Wii is no longer and should no longer seem as a last gen console in terms of graphics. Old xbox was pushed to its very max to perform HL2 and Doom 3, sacricifing mulitplayer and framerates.The wii got to match that without even maxing itself. By next year with the newer games as the grind, Wii will stand as part of next gen consoles, sure, as the weakest one, BUT not as last gen. Certainly is quite far ahead of Ps2 or GC for that even now.