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I'll be getting a PS3. But honestly that's because my friend already has a 360 and i'm likely moving in with him.

Really, just what non multi-platform games do you want more? That should make the decision. I'm planning to wait till next year. I won't get a non backwords compatable PS3, and also would perfer a 360 that won't burn out on me. (my friends just did, and he had to take it to a repair shop since he didn't buy it directly from microsoft and bought it from a friend. If that matters.)

I'm slightly more interesting in the PS3, because i like Strategy RPGs and strategy games in general. That arn't on portable systems. The PS3 is basically the only system of the three I can imagine getting such games. Unless the 360 got some i missed. (Outside of Fire Emblem.)

I'd suggest waiting till March and see if the new 360's are out or if the PS3 has dropped an extra hundred. If not go with your gut and get whichever system has more exlcusives you really want.