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I agree with staticneuron's final comment "Games make me happy! "

 We often get wrapped up in the gaming wars, when the ones who accidently choose a system they put their hard earned money in and it flops or is defective. They are the ones who lose, all in all people are'nt really biased, deep down we share the same goal...GIVE US GREAT GAMES I have my favorites on all systems. I don not regret any sony/sega or nintendo purchases.

I do not regret my purchase on the ps3 or the wii. In my personal opinion, the graphics are better on the PS3, no one can take that away. I do not regret it(price was high)I rarely play it because when i have friends or co workers over they are so enthused with the wii. I like how you can find weather, the wii shop for all the downloadable games from the sega/turbo grafx and the snes nes and the 64. sony people keep knockin the Wii and vice versa. People say the wii is a gimmick??? Here is an educated response to that. It isn't a gimmick, people are buying it because of the fun/it is totally interactive. Games have become stagnant in the quest for better graphics. I admit purchasing sytems before just to say"look what this can do (graphics wise)All in all I play the wii more than anything. It is fun, Zelda is so much fun, Ive noticed games I have beat, well....I still replay them. I just can't wait for the companies to produce more games quicker for the systems, I am quite impatient.