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ahh, we go again.  Do I think OoT is overrated?  No.  It was a major milestone in the gaming world and made a huge impact.  Was it the best Zelda ever?  That's infinitely harder to say.  I love all the Zelda games, as they each offer an incredible adventure.  I firmly believe anyone who tries to talk the talk and dismiss Zelda as one of the greatest experiences in gaming history, is seriously torqueing it and doesn't deserve to hold a controller in their hands.

Damn it, now I'm going to have to plug in the N64 and replay the whole OoT (or the GC master quest, dear lord) and Majora's Mask to make a decision.

My thought is that yes, MM is way underrated under the shadow that OoT cast.  I think that MM was more difficult, and perhaps that didn't help its cause for those other than the (dare I even say it?) "hardcore".  =p


- kw