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And to those wanting to give people a choice and yet considering abortion murder, people can have choices as long as it isn't at the expense of someone else. And in those cases, they still have a choice, but must suffer the consequences. I do feel they should be made to understand what those consequences are, however, even before they commit the act, so that when they engage in committing the act, they understand the choice they are making.

In the case of abortion, it affects the eventual life of the child. Therefore it is at the expense of someone else, and unfortunately that someone else cannot stand up and say "I want to live my life." It is similar to looking at anyone in society and then saying I'm going to go back and remove them from existence before they were even born. So if you chop them up before birth, is that not just as wrong as if you were to wait until they are 80 or just go ahead and do it in the present? Heck, people are even thrown in jail for planning a murder, even if they were never to actually see it completed, which means they are sentenced based on the possibility of it happening in the future. Why not if it happened in the past?