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sieanr said: I don't see the point in arguing with kwaad, he was fired by his boss at walgreens, so he's clearly smarter than all of us.
That hurts. That really hurts. When you run a photolab, that is the best in a 50mile radius, and customers start asking for you by name. Your boss starts to look bad. Your boss can get you fired. Your boss looks at her best intrests and gets you fired. Welcome to liveing in a country where people will f*** anyone to make a dime. (and in refrence to that a girl who works there, also in the photo lab, is getting called into the office for petty things, and getting written up. Obviously she thinks she's a threat too. Sometimes you get screwed. I got screwed, and the girl who's about to get fired, is getting screwed. There are people in this world that most of us would call 'a**holes'. When you work under one. you shit s*** on. :) Welcome to life.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!