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I love when games incorporate them right, but it is so easy to do it just for the sake of doing it, or make it simply a bad implementation.

I hate to say this but there was actually something good about Army of Two. The motion controls. And R&CF:ToD probably has the best motion controls in the PS3 library with all the little games utilizing it in different but good ways.
Uncharted had good implementation in the 'tip the controller backwards to make Drake face backwards while hanging', it was way more precise than using the analog stick, where you was never sure you were pointing in the correct direction. But tipping the controller backwards always meant he would face backwards. The grenade system wasn't that good though.
Mirror's Edge felt like it only had them just to have them, they were pretty much unusable, except for the balancing one, which was very random in how it read the controller movements, making the analog stick a much more prefered method of keeping your balance.