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Million said:
BengaBenga said:
I absolutely hate piracy.

The only time I illegally download a game is when it's not for sale in Europe (as in: never will) like Chrono Trigger for the SNES.

Finally I can repay SE for the awesomeness of that game when it releases for the first time in Europe next year.


There apears to be a contradiction in your attitude.


You absoloutley hate piracy right ? but your willing to pirate in certain situations i.e the game not being availible for sale , your no different from the pirate except your reasoning is differs ; the ends still justify the means. Repaying SE at a later date with their latter releases doesn't change the fact that you illegaly obtained their software prior to that. Illegaly obtaining a developers software is not justified by buying their games at a later date regardless of your reasoning ; the burgular can't say " I stole from your house once last year but I returned everything today + $10 for your troubles" .I'll agree that it's no where  as low as pirates downloading newly released games with no intention of paying a penny to the developer but in principle it's still the same thing .

If there is any circumstance what so ever in which your a willing to pirate some one elses material then you are not only taking part in pirate activity but your are condoning it through your actions , you can't legally justify theft by promising to repay losses in the future . If you hate piracy so much you won't do it even if you had to make sacrifices to support that point of view.

Yes, I know that. That's why I put "illegally" in my post. I know it's illegal to download roms, even though I can't play the game any other way without breaking the warranty rules of the console (note: only on consoles I own, so the emulator is not illegal). Nowhere did I say it was good that I did those (maybe 5 games or so in total), nor did I say it was a righteous excuse.