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Max King of the Wild said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Zucas said:
LBP was huge... I don't see how 500k in one week isn't huge. Since when is selling half a million in a week not good.


You answered your own question. 500k in 1 week(which is being generous with week 0 addition) is good.

It's not huge.

If 500k in 1 week + limited release is huge, what is 1 million in 1 week?

What is 2.5 million in 2 days?

500k in a week is good. Fallout 3 sold more than that on the 360 alone.

Fallout 3 sold very well.

I wouldn't classify it as huge.

Huge is a lot bigger than big.

LBP might be big. However, comparing it to many other games over just this last month that have dwarfed its sales, even calling it big is a generous classification.


Maybe I should question your classification system. Serious question. If LBP is huge, what is Gears 2? Classify it.


 Though this clasification system is a bit stupid I'll humor you. GeoW2 is obviously monsterious. And no one was denying that..

Hey, I know it was stupid. I was walking around for a week like a babe in the woods everytime I heard "LBP will be huge."

No one could explain wtf they were talking about.

Now it appears that we've adopted the "average" "big" "huge" "monsterious" classification system. It's stupid as hell.

I still think it's just "big" though, and calling GeoW2 "monsterious" is moving the goal posts after the fact to make the original huge assertion stick, lol.

This is the internet, you have to adapt or die, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.