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I too think we have evolved as a species to be omnivores and thus it is the best option. Just study our own evolution, it wasn't but a few species ago that live 100% off of plant products only. What happened to them? They were replaced by a omnivore descendant with bigger body structure and over a 40% larger brain that was solely attributed to the much higher protein in their diets.

Without our modern science you would be forced to eat meat to survive.

In our modern times we have developed the ability to live without the necessity of meat products in a very healthy lifestyle. At the same time our modern society has made the ability to eat too much meat in very unhealthy ways too accessible and that of course has created a lot of misinformation that meat is bad for you. My argument is no, an 'Ultimate Cheeseburger' from Jack in the box is bad for you, not meat in general.