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Immigration reform does not mean punish immigrants.

the-pi-guy said:
jason1637 said:

N R A $.

It's not the NRA's money that's actually that dangerous.  A lot of people harp on that, but really it's the NRA's members that are convincing.  They have a large, extremely reliable voting block.  Several million people who are basically guaranteed to vote for you, is incredibly compelling for politicians.  

jason1637 said:

Lol no. If someone can go to war for their country they deserve the same amount of rights as other people.

It's a complicated issue, but life should be preserved over the "rights" people have.  Can't have rights, if you're dead.  

I'd rather not be armed.  Avoiding the situation is easier without a gun.  And even if I could be the "good guy with a gun", I'd be in danger if police didn't know who was the bad guy, I'd be in danger if someone else decided to be a "good guy with a gun" and didn't know who to shoot.  I'd be in danger because the shooter would be even jumpier and more likely to shoot me than I would shoot them.  

NRA only has around 5 million members. For a presidential race or a Senate race in a purple state yeah they're an important voting block but for small house races or solid red senate races they're importance i much smaller. Their money is far more valuable because if Republicans were smart they'd push for reasonable gun control like background checks because the Democrats aren't going to change their platform to appease the NRA.

Well thats a dangerous way of thinking about it. Yeah to some extent lifes should be put over people's rights but if it means limiting someones rights that almost everyone else have then it's an issue.

Trump admin plans to crack down on parts of the internet that radicialize people and crack down on violent video games.
Smh, Video games dont cause people to be viokent.

It seems that “Make America Great Again” only applies to white people in the US. Apparently when it comes to non-whites it is “Love it or leave it.”

Somehow the hypocrisy flies right over the head of his culty followers.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

jason1637 said:
Trump admin plans to crack down on parts of the internet that radicialize people and crack down on violent video games.
Smh, Video games dont cause people to be viokent.

Its called a "scapegoat".

Republicans point at all this other nonsense as an excuse to not do anything to improve gun control.

This is the reason Republicans often get criticized for being anti-science. Video Game violence became a partisan issue right around the time when the science concluded that video games aren't to blame. Democrats largely moved on while Republicans decided that they can still fearmonger for a few more years.

SpokenTruth said:

1. National registry and licensing for all guns and gun owners.
2. Register all gun and ammo sales.
3. Private sales must be notarized and registered.
4. Must pass psych evaluation and safety training every 3 years.
5. Owners must carry Gun Owners Insurance.
6. Cannot own more than 4 guns without a "collectors" license.
7. If you have kids under 18 living in the house, guns must be locked and/or unloaded.
8. National background check prior to any gun or ammo purchase.
9. Criminal history negates license.
10. Illegal gun/ammo sale/ownership results in felony charges with harsh consequences.
11. Circumvention of these results in felony charges with harsh consequences.
12. No Questions Asked gun relinquishment policy.

Theres a few of those I have issues with.

4) I'm not sure how effective psych evaluations would actually be. I'd have to see data on that. Generally, mental health concerns are more of a scapegoat and many methods of addressing it actually make the problem worse. Further, I think every three years is too burdensome. I would say with the original licensing and leave it at that.

6) I'm not sure if this would actually have any real benefit. You don't really need more than four guns to inflict maximum damage.

7) Through what means would this be enforced?

12) Under a reasonable belief of danger, sure.

Generally, I'll say that the efficacy of many of these suggestions is up in the air but I think most are fairly reasonable.

I'd also add a few things:

a) Increasing those restricted from ownership to include those who have been convicted of violent misdemeanors or substance abuse (with a set time period for restoration of rights)

b) Federalize the concealed carry system and include proficiency training and emergency training

c) Automatically remove guns when temporary restraining order is issued

There are a bunch of other smaller things, but this would be a solid start.

SpokenTruth said:

1. National registry and licensing for all guns and gun owners.
2. Register all gun and ammo sales.
3. Private sales must be notarized and registered.
4. Must pass psych evaluation and safety training every 3 years.
5. Owners must carry Gun Owners Insurance.
6. Cannot own more than 4 guns without a "collectors" license.
7. If you have kids under 18 living in the house, guns must be locked and/or unloaded.
8. National background check prior to any gun or ammo purchase.
9. Criminal history negates license.
10. Illegal gun/ammo sale/ownership results in felony charges with harsh consequences.
11. Circumvention of these results in felony charges with harsh consequences.
12. No Questions Asked gun relinquishment policy.

I think all the ones I didnt cross over would work well.

1. That's illegal.

4. If it's a free evaluation sure but if not then it's a bad idea because it just puts a burden on poor gun owners.

6. There's no need for this.

9. Depends on the crime. Criminals should not be treated like 2nd class citizens because of their past mistakes. They've served their time and should be allowed to fully integrate and that includes owning a gun if they want.

10/11. If someone illegally owns a guns or sold one but have shown no intention to harm someone or has not harmed someone with it they should be punished but to a lesser extent.

12. If the authorities are taking away a private belonging the person should be able to fight/question it. And this would probably be illegal and possibly unconstitutional.

The El Paso shooting is leading to a rise in gun sales in the area.

jason1637 said:
SpokenTruth said:

1. National registry and licensing for all guns and gun owners.
2. Register all gun and ammo sales.
3. Private sales must be notarized and registered.
4. Must pass psych evaluation and safety training every 3 years.
5. Owners must carry Gun Owners Insurance.
6. Cannot own more than 4 guns without a "collectors" license.
7. If you have kids under 18 living in the house, guns must be locked and/or unloaded.
8. National background check prior to any gun or ammo purchase.
9. Criminal history negates license.
10. Illegal gun/ammo sale/ownership results in felony charges with harsh consequences.
11. Circumvention of these results in felony charges with harsh consequences.
12. No Questions Asked gun relinquishment policy.

I think all the ones I didnt cross over would work well.

1. That's illegal.

Since we are talking about changing laws and implementing new laws, that is kind of a moot point.

sundin13 said:
jason1637 said:

I think all the ones I didnt cross over would work well.

1. That's illegal.

Since we are talking about changing laws and implementing new laws, that is kind of a moot point.

Well I don't think the government should keep tabs on what we buy anyway.