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Moren said:
Hey @LurkerJ - I'm just wondering:

What is it that appeals to you from Bernie the most?

I, for one, am interested in his bold immigration stances:

As well as his revolutionary criminal justice approach:

Bernie opened my eyes to the real issues, just Yang is doing now with different issues. A Bernie/Yang ticket would make me wet my pants. Four years ago, Bernie single-handedly shifted the overton window. He's principled and it's proven by his record in the political space (no one could ever say the same about Hillary). Yang is doing the same now. 

As for his immigration stances, I think they're contradictory with his vision for the country. While I understand the humane aspect of DAPA/DACA and the DREAM act, they ultimately reward illegal behavior. Immigration to the USA, as of now, is largely taking place illegally. Someone has to pay the price for breaching the law, otherwise, it's just chaos. Not to mention, if you want the wages to go up, you need to tightly control the labor market and tightly control the borders, otherwise, inflation will just neutralize the wage increase. Bernie knows it's an issue:

.. yet the policies he supports only accentuates the problem in my opinion. Trump has had more sensible ideas to immigration than most democratic nominees, obviously the muslim ban was retarded, but generally speaking, you need to be tough when it comes to these issues. I remember Warren saying in one of the debates she wants to give a path to citizenship to students who overstayed their visas. Like wtf. The good noble students would go back to their countries and not break the law, the deviants are the ones who are more likely to break the law overstay, all what you're doing is turning away the good ones and rewarding bad behavior.