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Kyros said:
"History is written by the victors."

Partly true but sometimes history is just simple . WWII was the fight of good against evil. Period.

The good side may have been tainted in some areas and some good people may have fought for the bad side (my grandparents for example). But in the end the forces of good prevailed against the forces of evil. I think this is what makes the US different from Europe. They have seen that there are situations where you can only save the world with the sword. They were the victors in a war where people had no alternative to fight and the enemy was a monster (not the individuals but the whole organisation that did the bidding of a monstrous leader) that had to be stopped by force.
We have seen how you can make the world (or at least our continent) better by talking and negotiation.

Both approaches are correct in different situations.

If the Nazis had won the war, they would be the one who were good and the rest were evil. That's the way the world works.